- All fields with “*” must be completed and accurate for all valid claims.
- Offer can’t be combined.
- Product must be purchased according to promotional date within US and shipped to US address.
- All documents submitted must be dated within thirty (30) days of original invoice (with doctor’s name or clinic name) date and proper promo code for all valid claims.
- Please expect Check to arrive in six (6) to eight (8) weeks after submitting all valid documents.
- Please make sure to read the Warranty section for all rebate purchasing and free goods redemption.
- Once successfully submitted your request, please make sure to read the confirmation letter (if you did not receive any email from us, please check with your junk box or email setting and set domain on your safe list). Contact us at and mentioned your First Name and Last Name as you stated on your submission if you did not receive any trade-in/RMA confirmation letter.
- AG Neovo reserved the right to reject and terminate any claim and promotion without prior notice.
- Instructions from above applied to all Trade-in rebate.
- Trade-in new purchased must be made according to their promotional period to qualify for trade-in rebate.
- Offer only good for purchased with any Revolution series high-speed air-driven handpiece (excluded R-6500M4 and R-6800B2).
- Promo code must be properly key-in to qualify for trade-in rebate.
- Limit one (1) trade-in handpiece per one (1) qualifying handpiece purchased. Make sure you read all the rules, conditions, and instruction carefully either on this page or in the confirmation email. AG Neovo will not be able to process your redemption request with inadequate and inaccurate information.
- Only one (1) submission for same invoice (number). If you have two (2) different invoice (number), make sure to submit the request separately.
- RMA number must be obtained prior to submitting this form for each trade-in handpiece.
- Follow the RMA confirmation email instruction and ship-in the old trade-in handpiece to designate AG Neovo Service Center (as instructed in the confirmation email) prepaid.